Have a blessed 2021! From South America we send you all our love and a big hug for each one of you. May the Lord our great God bless you with a great 2021.
Abigail Jo, Adriana, "Copper," Antonia Lois and Dario (from left to right)
First of all, we want to thank you for being a help from God for us during the 2020! It was a very tough year here in Chile and Colombia because the COVID-19 and the hard lockdowns that we had from the government of Chile and Colombia. You are such a big part of our ministry that you cannot imagine! God is so good all the time!
Thank God, we continue our missionary ministry in Chile and Colombia. God moved us to do ministry in a completely different and new way. People had to get used to the changes, but in every challenge, God showed us His glory and power. With Adriana we started an Online Talk Show on Facebook called "Coffee with Milk," where we encouraged Christians to experience a committed relationship with God and remain faithful to Him during hard times. During the 1 hour program, we interacted with different people from different countries in South America.
In "Coffee with Milk," we have a great time encouraging people to remain faithful to God while having a wonderful and real Christian experience.
In Chile we continue with the work of three churches that are under our ministry in the cities of Santiago, Melipilla (central Chile), and Puerto Varas (Southern Chile). Because of the quarantine and restrictions the church in Santiago is having a lot of changes in many areas. Thank God in the city of Melipilla we will return to our in-person Sunday meetings on January 10th, and in the city of Puerto Varas the church is continuing working with kids and trying to reach adults. We praise the Lord because we have people who decided to be baptized and united to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the next weeks!
Sunday Service and Wednesday discipleship group.
José Escalera a young man from Bolivia wants to be part of Vida Real and be baptized.
Freddy, who participate on the online discipleship, joins us from a jail, can you imagine?!
The church in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia is stable and firm. Freddy Suarez and his family are working hard, but for now we cannot travel to Colombia to support them in person. However, we are still working together, waiting the time of the Lord to be with them this year.
Vida Real Iglesia Cristiana in Barranquilla
In February we will start a new year of classes with our Bible Institute in Chile and with online classes. Thank God we have people from Chile, Perú, Bolivia and Colombia who want to be students.
We will start with new classes at the Bible Institute on February 6th
A very good news for Adriana and I… Indiana Wesleyan University rewarded us with a very good scholarship to be part of his M.Div Online program in Spanish. With Adriana we are so excited to keep growing in our preparation and service to the Lord in the mission field.
A bittersweet news to share with all of you, Larry Snow one of our dear members of Latino American World Mission board went to be with the Lord. We are little sad because he is not here to serve with us, but we are so happy that right now he is enjoying being with our Father and Lord Jesus.
In honor of Larry Snow
May our great God bless you richly!
Darío & Adriana Iturra
· For opportunities to reach more people with the Gospel.
· We are praying and looking for two more friends that would participate in our LAWM ministry as members of our board of directors, please help us praying for God’s guidance and provision.
· For changes in the leadership and ministry with the church in Santiago.
· For the leadership and members of the four churches under LAWM.
1.- Donate through our web page: https://www.lawm.today/donate
2.- Mission trips: Contact our board president Tom Chamberlin (tachamberlin@gmail.com)